Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday, August 9th


Today I had a lot of time to think about the trip in general because I worked all day. I am so glad to be home and to see my family and girlfriend. I think Europe would have been a lot better if they would've been there with me. I was enjoying Europe but after all of the reading I did about the laws I feel like they want to micro manage everyone. I like Europe but it's not somewhere I'd like to live, that's for sure. I enjoyed visiting but that's all I could do. I would love to bring family back and show them around Amsterdam, it was the best place in Europe for sure. I really enjoy being able to speak the language in the States, that really agitated me with the language barrier. It was a nice trip but I'm glad to be back. I learned a lot that's for sure and am a lot more cultured. I think it gave me a good idea about Europe in general, I love telling everyone about the trip.

Overall it was a really fun trip and I actually liked most people on the trip. I know I was worried about not liking everyone. I don't think I'll go on another study abroad trip though, it sure was expensive!

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